Sell your Retired Equipment for more $$$! Here’s how SolarTrak can help.

Archive for the “Asset Management” Category

“Misplaced” equipment costs you money by delaying projects, angering customers and giving you a headache. Here’s the Cure. Has this ever happened to you? The bulldozer you need is not in the yard. Project Manager thinks it’s in the shop. You waste a few hours looking. Actually it’s at the previous customer’s worksite. Solve this […]

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When we designed SolarTrak, we talked to Fleet Managers, rental store owners, customers and crews – and included features that would make everyone’s job just a bit easier. For repair crews, we’ve included some items suggested made by the guys themselves. Here’s how SolarTrak will benefit your Maintenance Department staff: NOTIFICATIONS – We’re included some […]

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We’d all love to have a personal assistant, wouldn’t we? Someone to remind us what we should be doing, and when. SolarTrak can be a valuable tool for both you and your repair crew. Using the Notifications feature, you can have SolarTrak send you reminders when your equipment needs maintenance…. oil changes, oil and air […]

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